lunes, 13 de febrero de 2012

How do I gain weight?

 This is a question I hear all the time which shows how confused many people are.  Weight gain is NOT the same as muscle gain!   Many people want to see that fast weight gain so they eat like pigs and fool themselves into thinking that its all muscle when a lot of what they have gained is fat.

If a 180 pound person with 15% bodyfat bulks and goes up to 200 pounds at 18% bodyfat there will be almost no visual difference in leanness so they will think their bulk was “all muscle” when in fact they gained 9 pounds of fat and only 11 pounds of muscle.  Adding 3% bodyfat is only visually apparent when your bodyfat is very low to start with, say under 6%. 

 There is only one way to know how much muscle you have added and that is to chart your bodyfat and weight daily, anything else is just a guess.  Added weight can be fat or muscle, if you just want to weigh more then eat twinkies and skip the bodybuilding – its much easier.  If you want to gain muscle, there is no shortcut.

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